Measuring Strategic Partnerships

Measuring Strategic Partnerships

Measuring Strategic Partnerships

Relationships + Communication = Partnership Value

I have seen so many different examples of partnerships, some excellent, some less than excellent. For many years I have wondered to myself: Why do we make it so hard on ourselves to be partners? I think it’s a fair question, because in business, we are so protective of our own processes, siloed plans and (let’s face it) egos, that we sometimes forget the key ingredients to smooth, fast and rewarding partnerships with each other. The issue seems to worsen relative to company size. In other words, the larger the organization(s), the harder things get. This is the wrong direction because the stakes are generally higher in these partnerships where there are often shareholders to consider.

I think it’s crazy we make it so difficult. It’s a tough mindset to grasp because in human nature, we are defensive and protective, especially when things have not gone according to plan. I’ve seen it between organizations, inside organizations and a combination of both. It is a slow, slogging, old and very ineffective way to operate in 2018 and beyond. We need speed, new, shiny, fast, cutting edge and we need it now. In order to achieve this, we need to have amazing partnerships inside organizations and between organizations.

As a solution provider, you should always be asking yourself these questions:

• Do I do things which make me a valued strategic partner?

• Do I always do what I say I will do?

• Am I communicating properly with my partners?

• Am I always open and forthcoming, even when there is bad news?

• Do I conduct myself professionally, careful not to assume intentions are bad on the other side?

• Am I consistent?

As a solution receiver, you should always be asking yourself these questions:

• Do I do things which make me a valued strategic partner?

• Do I always do what I say I will do?

• Am I communicating properly with my partners?

• Am I always open and forthcoming, even when there is bad news?

• Do I conduct myself professionally, careful not to assume intentions are bad on the other side?

• Am I consistent?

If the answer to ALL of these questions is not a resounding YES, then you need to do some inner reflection and change the answer. Think about it hard and don’t lie to yourself. Can you honestly answer to yourself YES to all of the questions above? If so, then you almost certainly have amazing partnerships. If you have to think twice on any of them, then it’s time to rethink. These things are not hard to do. They are actually very simple, they just require some dedication to change, if you aren’t already doing them naturally.

After reading those questions, you will probably observe 2 things:

1 The questions are the same, on both sides.

2 None of them have anything to do with hardware and software solutions.

The first observation, the questions all being the same, is very simple: We are equals and we need to treat each other as such.

The second observation is also easy to explain. Proper technology solutions are assumed. This isn’t about those. You have chosen to work with each other because there was a solution fit. That part is over with, time to move on.

So what are the key ingredients to a good partnership? They are relationships and communication and they are equally weighted and highly dependent upon one another. Relationships and communication are probably the most critical part of human interaction. They affect, for better or worse, the outcome of our personal and business dealings.

When you have strong relationships, you can pick up the phone and talk about almost anything without fear or nervousness. You can ask for help and you are always willing to be there to help. It is an equal give and take and it is strategically valuable to both you and the other person. It’s mutually beneficial to have a strong relationship. It is also rewarding and feels good inside to build strong relationships. It makes work (and life) easier and faster and simpler and more fun.

In order to have strong relationships, you must have good communication between each other. The level and type of communication needs to work for your individual partnerships. Sometimes it involves different cultures and almost always involves different personalities. The easiest way to have good communication is to talk about it upfront. That’s right – communicate about communication! Sounds funny, but half the battle is setting the right expectation with each other. The other half is following through. Pretty simple. Every instance is unique, but making it work will feel effortless once you set and understand the expectations. Take the time to do it upfront. It’s worth the investment.

Relationship + Communication = Partnership Value. It’s pretty simple.

If you are:

1 Doing things that make you a valued strategic partner

2 Always doing what you say you will do

3 Communicating properly with your partners

4 Always open and forthcoming, even when there is bad news

5 Conducting yourself professionally, assuming your partner’s intentions are good

6 Consistent in what you do……..

Then you most likely have some amazing partnerships in both work and life. If not, it is worth trying to get there. Trust me. It a simple, fast and rewarding way to work and live.

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